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2020-02-22 19:14:35 385-217-xxxx RightOnIPTV http://bit.ly/freetvtrial Service ID: 785 User Name: 707825496 Password: 401293 Expire Date: 26th February 2020 Check your email for instructions. If you do not see the email check spam folder. For excellent customer service reply back to this text, call or visit our online chat. Thank You
2020-02-23 19:15:30 385-217-xxxx We hope you enjoyed your subscription to RightOnIPTV. Your subscription is expiring on Wed February 26, 2020, 3:14 am. You can renew your subscription by clicking https://store.rightoniptv.com/r?t=vpy9KjSZ Thank you for being a customer of RightOnIPTV You can unsubscribe from these alerts by clicking https://store.rightoniptv.com/s?t=bm2uaI